
About Island Missions Support, Inc.


Island Missions Support, Inc. was formed in 2014 as a non-profit with the goal of meeting humanitarian needs among the South Pacific Islands. A 114 ft vessel was donated and refitting began in order to prepare the ship for our specific needs. The goal was to provide transport for medical teams, First responders, Bible translation teams, Ferrying cargo, Evacuation assistance, etc. There was also a small shop on board which would enable us to do all manner of repairs for other vessels or community needs as they arose.

After 4.5 years of continuous physical work (we did the work ourselves), unforseen circumstances forced the very painful selling of the ship in July 2019. In August, with the funds from the sale of the ship, a 46ft sailboat was purchased with the intent to continue the vision of meeting humanitarian need in the South Pacific on a smaller scale. After a year of refitting the new vessel, we left Louisiana in the end of May 2021. Due to Covid, the borders in Islands throughout the Pacific were firmly closed. We traveled to Rio Dulce Guatemala, intending to only stay a few weeks and then wait in Panama for the borders to open in the Pacific.


As Covid restrictions continued, the cost increases in Panama more than doubled. So instead of going to Panama, Guatemala became our waiting place. We then began to prayerfully seek out needs to meet. In September, after several months of small projects, the Lord put a very strong direction in our hearts to meet a pressing need among the very poor. 3D printed prosthetics.

The Lord brought in funds for a 3D Printer and enough supplies to make a good start. It took one month from idea conception to the first prosthetic. We now have 3 printers onboard our sailboat and 1 extra large printer onboard an adjacent donated shop/houseboat. We have created over 100 prosthetics (not included in this number are many demonstrator arms and hands as well as several upper arm prototypes) as of September 2024! Praise God!

Through much prayer, the Lord has made it clear that He wants to continue using us in Guatemala. There is tremendous need here and we are at peace to give our lives to this work.


All prosthetics, disability aids, educational/teaching aids, etc. are free of charge. We offer hands and lower arms. We also make utensil holders, grasping aids, Braille writers with alphabet blocks and math teaching materials. 

The fingers actually move and can grasp objects. The mechanism that moves the fingers works by bending the wrist or elbow, pulling the lines that control movement.

We use Team Unlimbited designs for hands and lower arms.

*Update concerning an 'upper arm' prosthetic:

God has wonderfully answered our prayers! The last several months of 2023 through September of 2024, we have worked with a very talented mechanical engineer (who wishes to remain anonymous). We are now beginning to print individual upper arm prosthetics using this new design.  We have been praying diligently and fighting through many challenges over the last 2 years in order to reach this breakthrough. All the struggle makes the end result that much sweeter. 

*The 'above elbow' design software is currently waiting to be put into Open Scad and will then be made available to the world for free open source printing. 

House Projects:

In collaboration with a local Guatemalan partner, Island Missions Support has funded house projects among the very destitute. All vetting of potential recipients are through a local social worker.